
Friday, April 5, 2013

April Showers Bring May Flowers

It is now April, and where I live, it rains very often during the spring and summer months. It has its positive and negative sides. Positive because I can be cozy at home, cuddled up and reading a book or watching a movie (or I could be sleeping haha!) But rain has its negatives because I want to go to the beach or just soak up some sun rays. Regardless, rain is needed to make things grow!

For the past few years, one of my hobbies has been to plant a garden every spring. Unfortunately, I am starting a little late this year! But that is okay because it has been cold lately and plants don't do well in the cold and waterless season.
Flower Seeds photo DSCN8001_zpscc1b74b0.jpg
These are the seeds that I will be planting this year! I have Pansies, Verbenas, Sweet Williams, Moss Roses, Petunias, and African Daisies. They look so pretty! I am super excited and wanted to show you all one of my other hobbies =) I can't wait to see them in bloom!
 photo SimpleCharm_zpsbba83c0f.jpg


  1. In the past I have left planting and gardening to the husband but this year I finally motivated to do one myself:) The idea of seeing the flowers I planted grow makes me smile!

    1. It is definitely a great feeling to see them grow!

  2. Aww that's so cute! I'm no good at gardening but I sure love flowers!

  3. Great blog followed you :) found you on blog hop x


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